IBM Domino 9 FP10 出左啦, 今次支援Docker 呀

IBM 係今日 (2018 年2 月2 日) 出左Domino 9 FP10 啦


佢好強調升級左 Java 版本去 1.8 (Java 1.8 SR5 FP6)  , 你睇返細節, 佢正式支援係Docker 安裝, 要做虛擬化就更加簡單啦

佢提到要你自已係RHEL 7 的Docker EE setup , 遲啲會有官方的image 提供 (咁即係幾時 ... )

順便一提, Lotus Domino 有ASPx 同 Partition , 都係做同類的效果, 當然Docker 會多人識啦 ....


文件提到, 你想自己放係docker , 要做幾個設定 :


The following are some configuration options for running Domino on Docker that may be useful for customer configurations:

1. To maintain your data between container updates, use the docker run volume option (-v) to map a local Domino Data Directory to be used within the docker container. With this method your data directory will persist between instances of a docker container or when changing to a newer docker container. As an example, the following command will specify to use the /local/notesdata on the host os as the /local/notesdata within the container where /local/notesdata is your Domino Data Directory:
    "docker run -v /local/notesdata:/local/notesdata ..."

2. It is easier to use the host time settings over the container time settings. To achieve this, add the following option to the Docker run command:
    "-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime"

3. Configure to use the host network stack and use the host hostname by adding the following options to the docker run command:

Add Host Network Stack to run option
    "--network="host" "

Add host hostname to run option
    "--hostname $MYFQHN " where MYFQHN has been set in the system environment with these commands:
      export MYHOSTNAME=`hostname`

    export MYFQHN=`nslookup $MYHOSTNAME |grep Name | awk '{print $2}'`

4. You will need to map ports for your docker container and the following line does a one-to-one mapping:

"-p 1352:1352 -p 80:80 -p 25:25 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 -p 63148:63148 -p 63149:63149 -p 8585:8585 -p 389:389 -p 110:110 -p 143:143 -p 6500:6500 -p 6550:6550 "



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