HP 突然話唔玩 ,算係點先.....

昨晚HP 個CEO 突然話唔再做WebOS 的hardware .... 消息都來得好突然 , 個樣十足係CEO 自己心血來潮爆肚講野咁樣....

上星期仲同HP 個香港區Developer relationship manager 開過會, 仲話9 月15 日會有WebOS conncet (Meeting + workshop) , 昨日一起身, 先知話唔再出hardware , 咁要個WebOS 做乜先 ....

今朝收到HP WebOS Deveroper 的電郵 ....



佢話仲會搞WebOS , 會搞的webOS connect 仲會開, 只係會update 下個新進展....


係Developer forum (http://developer.palm.com ) , Developer Community Manager (Chuq) 都唔知發生乜事 , 係咁叫你等等等 ..... 佢話佢自己係度開會 ..... 咁又點 ..... 老細都話唔玩, 咁仲可以做乜 ....


1. 傳說, HTC 同Samsung 都會license 個WebOS 玩 ..... 咁HP 唔再自己搞hardware ..... 你可以話, 你唔出hardware , 咁同partner 唔會有衝突 (好似google 同motorola 咁) , 問題係..... 又要等, 咁即係一年來唔會有新的WebOS 設備啦 .... 你唔hold 住賣野, 咁邊個同你寫app 賣機.... 唔通真係等market share 係零先由頭開始咩.....慢慢淡出同立即退出, 係兩回事來架....

2. 可能HP 真係摺左佢算 ..... 咁當初買來做乜 ? 如果舊年係Nokia 買左Palm , 咁Nokia 唔駛淪落到要用Windows Phone 啦 ....唔通真係新老細, 新作風 , 上手買落的要清理晒佢先安樂咩....

事實上股東用腳來表達不滿.... HPQ 一日插水20% , 人地都係想你所有野圍住WebOS 做核心, 跟住一件Touchpad (或者其他Webos 設備啦) , 可以指揮晒所有HP 的printer 呀, 電腦呀, 咁成個platform 咁, 學足Apple 咁軟硬件一條龍服務 , 再加埋HP 自己的server hardware 做埋私人雲 (private cloud) , 咁先叫做完整嘛....

人地股東想你做apple 2 號呀, 信你HP 咁企業化, 唔似apple 咁, steve jobs 有乜三長兩短, 立即玩完,  但係而家連個對用戶的核心 (webos device) 都唔要, 咁仲點搞落去呀 ....





以下係電郵原文 :


Dear webOS developer:

We have opened the next chapter for webOS, and we understand that you must have many questions. Yesterday we announced that we will focus on the future of webOS as a software platform but we will no longer be producing webOS devices. While this was a difficult decision, it's one that will strengthen our ability to focus on further innovating with webOS as we forge our path forward. Throughout this journey, our developers will continue to be a vital part of the future of webOS.

We will continue to support, innovate and develop the webOS App Catalog. Our intent is to enhance our merchandising and presentation of your great products and to continue to build our webOS app ecosystem.

As many of you are aware, we are currently scheduled to hold many developer events around the world. We are planning to continue with these events, however, due to the recent announcements; the nature of them will change. These updates will be posted on our events registration site this coming week. We are eager to present to you the updated strategy for webOS and to hear your feedback.

Lastly, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for your ongoing support for webOS and the many teams responsible for it here at HP. This is a particularly dynamic time in the mobile industry and sometimes tough decisions need to be made about not only what to do, but also what not to do. This has been one of those times. Together with our great webOS developer community, we are confident that we will meet the challenges ahead and build momentum for optimal success.

We will be communicating with you frequently over the next few weeks and we look forward to hearing from you throughout this process.

Thanks for your support

Richard Kerris
VP webOS Developer Relations

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